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Unblocked Englewood

In October 2022, Tonika Lewis Johnson launched a collaboration with the Chicago Bungalow Association (CBA) and Englewood Arts Collective (EAC) titled UnBlocked Englewood, an arts-driven community redevelopment project primarily funded through the City’s 2022 Together We Heal Creative Place Program. Frustrated by arts grants that highlighted systemic issues without addressing them directly, Tonika seized the opportunity to make a tangible difference. When applying for the $500K grant, she argued that aiding homeowners in Englewood to repair and beautify their homes constitutes public art.

UnBlocked Englewood focuses on providing critical home repairs and beautification on a block directly impacted by the mid-century predatory housing practice of Land Sale Contracts, transforming them into symbols of pride and resilience. As of July 21, 2024, the project has successfully repaired 12 homes, with 13 more to go, and recently installed an elaborate block club sign and a vibrant mural on the side of one of the repaired homes. By improving residents’ living conditions, UnBlocked Englewood is preserving the neighborhood’s character and homeownership rate, as well as improving home values and creating a lasting social impact. This project is more than repairs, its restoring denied equity one home repair and vacant lot beautification at a time. Your support drives this vital change! How much stolen equity will you help us restore?

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Film Trailer


UnBlocked Englewood Repairs Homes to Help Rewrite Decades of Housing Discrimination

Aired March 1, 2024

Repairing homes as a form of public art, Tonika Lewis Johnson helps Englewood reinvest in the disinvested

By Darcel Rockett

Published January 5, 2024

How An Englewood Artist And Activist Is Helping Black Families Keep Their Homes

By Atavia Reed
Published January 25, 2024

By Atavia Reed

Published July 19, 2024

Englewood Artist Tonika Johnson Raising $500,000 To Help More Black Families Fix Their Homes The funding will go toward Johnson’s program, unBlocked Englewood, which aims to repair 25 homes at 65th and Aberdeen streets. Twelve homes have already been upgraded.